An Aubergine Story

eggplant and tahini dressing

Lemongrass + Aubergine & Sesame + Soy + Scallion Dressing Being back in Boston after a busy trip to Bombay meant I had family on my mind. And family and food stories go hand in hand. My mother loved aubergines, and when I saw the variety of eggplants Farmer Dave had this week, I gravitated […]

Insomnia Inspired

corn blueberry salad

Blueberry, Corn & Mint Salad + Dark Ale Mustard & Maple Syrup Dressing I had been up from lack of sleep and if you want to know what my brain does when I cannot sleep, it thinks up recipes. So, laying there at 3 AM my thoughts went to the market, what the farmers would […]

Crunchy Candy

green beans thai basil

Crunchy Green & Yellow Beans + Thai Basil I don’t think I had a particular like or dislike for fresh beans as a child, I ate them when my mum made them. But as an adult, I’ve come to love beans in season. Nothing can beat that snap and crunch of a fresh bean. This […]