Insomnia Inspired

corn blueberry salad

Blueberry, Corn & Mint Salad + Dark Ale Mustard & Maple Syrup Dressing I had been up from lack of sleep and if you want to know what my brain does when I cannot sleep, it thinks up recipes. So, laying there at 3 AM my thoughts went to the market, what the farmers would […]

Ravishing Radishes

radish salsa

Radish + Spicy Greens & Basil Salsa This salsa is a throwback to ‘kachumbar’ salads I grew up eating in India with our meals. They’re meant to be crunchy, fresh, tart and spicy, adding a zing to all the other flavors in an Indian meal. So, this week, when I decided to make the mushroom […]

Red, Crunch & Green

bok choy salad

Red Bok Choy & Cucumber Salad + Strawberry & Cilantro Vinaigrette What do you do at the first market of the growing season? I had the butterflies, like first day of school; I got to see all my regular farmers, artisanal producers and customers. And since it’s still early in the season, I knew the […]